1: Introduction Discover the history of the Kennedy half dollar, a coin that holds a special place in American numismatic history.

2: John F. Kennedy Honoring the memory of President Kennedy, this coin features a beautiful depiction of the late leader.

3: Instant Recognition The distinctive design of the Kennedy half dollar makes it instantly recognizable to collectors and enthusiasts.

4: Tribute to a Legacy Issued in 1964, the Kennedy half dollar commemorates the legacy of one of America's most beloved presidents.

5: Silver Content Originally minted in 90% silver, the Kennedy half dollar is a valuable addition to any collection.

6: Collectible Appeal With its iconic design and historical significance, the Kennedy half dollar is a sought-after collectible coin.

7: Commemorative Issues Special editions of the Kennedy half dollar have been minted over the years to honor significant events and anniversaries.

8: Numismatic Value Due to its popularity and limited mintage, the Kennedy half dollar has become a prized coin among collectors.

9: Enduring Legacy The Kennedy half dollar continues to be a cherished symbol of American history and numismatics.