1: 1. Clean feeders regularly 2. Use hot soapy water 3. Rinse thoroughly

2: 4. Avoid using bleach 5. Scrub with a brush 6. Dry completely

3: 7. Store feeders in shade 8. Avoid direct sunlight 9. Replace nectar weekly

4: 10. Monitor for mold 11. Check for discoloration 12. Remove any signs

5: 13. Use vinegar solution 14. Soak for 30 minutes 15. Rinse before refilling

6: 16. Consider buying ant moats 17. Keep feeders out of reach 18. Prevent pests

7: 19. Choose a shaded location 20. Ensure proper ventilation 21. Prevent condensation

8: 22. Inspect seals and lids 23. Tighten any loose parts 24. Prevent leaks

9: 25. Choose easy-to-clean feeders 26. Opt for dishwasher-safe options 27. Enjoy mold-free feeding.